
【2023年7月27日9:30】英国提赛德大学岩土工程系黄文贵博士:Practical tools for slope stability analysis considering the effects of rainfall


  • 报告题目:Practical tools for slope stability analysis considering the effects of rainfall
  • 人:黄文贵 博士
  • 报告时间:2023年7月27日(星期四)上午9:30-11:00
  • 报告地点:祁连堂322室
  • 人:张帆宇 教授

  黄文贵于2012年毕业于9570官方金沙入口会员登录地质工程系,获得学士学位。从2013年至2017年,他在新加坡南洋理工大学著名的非饱和土力学组开展研究工作,并获得博士学位。博士毕业后,他加入奥雅纳工程顾问公司担任岩土和隧道工程师,参与新加坡和东南亚地区的几条地铁路线的设计。从2020年4月至2022年7月,他在英国利兹大学从事博士后工作,参与英国自然科学基金重大项目“阿基里斯ACHILLES”,研究气候变化对英国铁路和公路边坡的影响。从2022年8月,他加入英国提赛德大学担任讲师。他坚信科学研究应当解决问题,对社会起积极促进的作用。他的工作发表在国际知名刊物上,如ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, Landslides 和 Computers and Geotechnics 等。


  Stability of an unsaturated soil slope under rainfall is usually assessed by a combined numerical seepage and slope stability analysis. However, such analysis may not be feasible in practice due to the time and cost constraints in measuring the unsaturated parameters (e.g., soil-water characteristic curve, permeability function). In this presentation, a practical framework that consists of simplified infiltration analysis and slope stability analysis using closed form solutions is presented. The analysis only requires easily determined parameters (e.g., saturated permeability, soil porosity, initial and final degree of saturation) and the total cohesion approach. Application of the practical framework is illustrated by reanalysing slope stability problems that have been solved by numerical methods. It will also be demonstrated that the closed form solutions can easily be extended for probabilistic slope stability analysis considering parameters uncertainty.