

职  称:教授
职  务:9570官方金沙入口会员登录副院长,西部灾害与环境力学教育部重点实验室副主任
专  业:固体力学
所在系所:力学与工程科学系 / 固体力学研究所
电子信箱: zhangxingyi@lzu.edu.cn
传  真:
1999年9月—2003年6月:9570官方金沙入口会员登录物理科学与技术学院 理论与应用力学专业,本科生,获理学学士学位
2003年9月—2005年6月:9570官方金沙入口会员登录物理科学与技术学院 固体力学专业,硕士研究生
2005年9月—2008年6月:9570官方金沙入口会员登录 固体力学专业,博士生,获工学博士学位。
2014年6月—至今:9570官方金沙入口会员登录 固体力学 博士生导师
2012年6月—至今:9570官方金沙入口会员登录 固体力学 硕士生导师
2010年12月—至今:9570官方金沙入口会员登录 教授
2008年7月—2010年12月:9570官方金沙入口会员登录 讲师
2009年7月—2009年8月:日本东北大学流体科学研究所 JSPS 短期访问学者
1.复变函数 (本科生 54学时)
2.实验力学 (本科生 72学时)
3. 现代实验力学及方法(研究生,54学时)
4. 超导结构的物理与力学基础(研究生,54学时)
2019 年入选甘肃省领军人才“第一层次”



1. Lei Shen, Yuanjie Wang, Jie Cheng, Feng Xu, Xingyi Zhang, Origin of micro-scale local hotspots during the microwave processing of the YBCO conductive ceramics, Scripta Materialia ,2022, 216: 114762.
2. Qiuliang Wang, Jianhua Liu, Jinxing Zheng, Jinggang Qin, Yanwei Ma, Qingjin Xu, Dongliang Wang, Wenge Chen, Timing Qu, Xingyi Zhang, Donghui Jiang, Yaohui Wang, Benzhe Zhou, Lang Qin, Huan Jin, Huajun Liu; Yujia Zhai, Feng Liu, Progress of Ultra-High-Field superconducting magnets in China, Superconductor Science and Technology, 2022, 35: 023001. 
3. Yue Li, Cong Liu, Yu Wang, Xingyi Zhang, and You-He Zhou, Relative tilting in-plane of one of gratings in coherent gradient sensor: Error analysis and correction, Optics and Lasers in Engineering ,2022,151: 106850. 
4. Xiyang Su, Zhiting Huang, Cong Liu, Xingyi Zhang, Controllable rectification on the irreversible strain limit of 2G HTS coated conductors,Superconductor Science and Technology, 2022, 35: 015003. 
5. Cunhong Wang, Cong Liu, Xingyi Zhang and Youhe Zhou, Direct Determination of the Power Threshold Value of Vortex Avalanche in YBa2Cu3O7-x Thin Films Triggered by a Laser Pulse, Experimental Mechanics, 2021, 61: 1227-1235. 
6. Youhe Zhou, Cong Liu, Lei Shen and Xingyi Zhang, Probing of the internal damage morphology in multilayered high-temperature superconducting wires, Nature Communications, 2021, 12: 3110. 
7. Baoqiang Zhang, Qiangqiang Zhang, Peng He, Yanbin Ma, Lei Shen, Xingyi Zhang and Youhe Zhou, Efficient fabrication of ultralight YBa2Cu3O7-x superconductors with programmable shape and structure, Advanced Functional Materials, 2021, 31: 2100680. 
8. Yingbo Li, Yanbin Ma, Cong Liu, Xingyi Zhang, Huadong Yong and You-He Zhou, Fluorescent paint for determination on the effective thermal conductivity of YBCO coated conductor, Superconductor Science and Technology, 2021,34: 035029. 
9. Lei Shen, Cong Liu and Xingyi Zhang, Rules of non-superconducting phase particles on crack propagation in YBCO coated conductors fabricated by the IBAD-MOCVD, Superconductor Science and Technology, 2020, 33: 105007. 
10. Youhe Zhou, Cunhong Wang, Cong Liu, HuadongYong and Xingyi Zhang, Optically Triggered Chaotic Vortex Avalanches in Superconducting YBa2Cu3O7-x Films, Physical Review Applied, 2020, 13: 024036. 
11. Xingyi Zhang, Ce Sun, Cong Liu, and Youhe Zhou, A standardized measurement method and data analysis for the delamination strengths of YBCO coated conductors, Superconductor Science and Technology, 2020,33: 035005. 
12. Xiaobin Zhang, Cong Liu , Xingyi Zhang, Youhe Zhou , Quantitative observation of attenuation coefficient of electromagnetic wave propagation in haze incorporating charged aerosol, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 2020, 257: 107365.
13. 焦帅克,刘聪,张兴义*,周又和,管内电缆导体截面股线接触力行为分析,中国科学,2020, 50: 044602.
14. Yanbin Ma, Qiangqiang Zhang, Keren Zhao, Cong Liu, Baoqiang Zhang, Xingyi Zhang and Youhe Zhou, Tunable Negative Thermal Expansion of Ultralight ZrW2O8/Graphene Hybrid Metamaterial, Carbon, 2019, 153: 32-39. 
15. Jinggang Qin, Donghua Yue, Xingyi Zhang, Yu Wu, Xiaochuan Liu, Huajun Liu, Huan Jin, Chao Dai, Arend Nijhuis, Chao Zhou, Arnaud Devred, Rotation analysis on large complex superconducting cables based on numerical modeling and experiments, Superconductor Science and Technology, 2018, 31: 025001. 
16. 岳动华,张兴义,周又和,国际热核聚变堆用管内电缆导体力学行为研究进展,科学通报,2018, 63(4): 396-414.
17. Yi Huang, Xingyi Zhang, You-He Zhou, Thermal properties of a cylindrical YBa2Cu3Ox superconductor in a levitation system: Triggered by the nonlinear dynamics, Superconductor Science and Technology, 2016, 29: 075009. 
18 Cong Liu, Xingyi Zhang, You-He Zhou, Multiplication method for sparse interferometric fringes, Optics Express, 2016, 24(7): 7693-7702.